ACAB. to Lefty – 897 points –

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Police aren't the problem it's the culture and laws they enforce

E: sorry I think I might've misunderstood or spoke in a confusing way. I meant I think the police as an institution isn't the problem. I think they are a necessary part of the justice system. I get the impression that there is a lot of problems with the current American police system (I'm not an American so correct me if I'm wrong). I think there are plenty of 'bad' police officers. I think a culture change in the police (institution) and adjustments to the laws they enforce would be good. I don't think all police officers are bad though and I don't think anyone who is a police officer should automatically be considered bad. I especially don't think the police as an institution should not exist.

Are the officers not part of that culture? Do they have no discretion in what laws they enforce and when?

Yeah they are. Yes they do? Are you asking rhetorically? Those answers seem obvious

I kinda thought you might put it together, but ok. Yes, those were rhetorical and obvious.

Police are responsible for police culture so pointing to culture doesn't absolve them or change any of the math here. Same with the laws, they may not directly make them or have a say in them (unless you count police unions), but they can choose when to enforce them, when to not, and against whom. Again, your arguments aren't changing any of the math here.

The problems of police are caused by the police and sustained by the police so they are entirely the fault of the police. Your comment seemed to imply that at least some of the blame should be taken from the police since it's not them it's the culture and the laws. I'm saying, it's still all them. The culture and the laws are still on them.

I agree with everything you say. I think having a police force is a pragmatic choice to make. I think the idea that there is no redemption for the police force is irresponsible. I think police culture and laws need to be changed.

Any policing service which actually serves the people will not be descended from the modern day police. It will be a new organisation, with no association to the old.

Okay that's fine but there will still be police and they will still be policing so what would be the point. It'd be much easier to fix the current system then start over

No, it's much easier to make a new system. Because it's impossible to fix the current one.

Right, you should just go to a dimension where thats the case then 👍

Dimensions aren't universes, that's a trope that was invented by bad sci-fi writers who misunderstood the membrane theory of multiverse. A dimension is just a pair of opposed directions, like left and right, or up and down, or future and past. We interact with four dimensions in our daily lives, and string theory proposes around 10, but the other ones are smaller. Membrane theory proposes that there are multiversal dimensions that lead to parallel universes. The dimensions are not universes, any more than a country is. Yes, you sail West to reach America from Portugal, but that doesn't make America a direction.

Getting shot in your own home during a no knock raid isn't a culture problem.

Yes it is because there is a culture considers 1. Shooting people and 2. No knock raids as acceptable

"Your honour, I had no choice whether to break into that person's house and shoot them in their bed. I was peer pressured into it"

On the one hand, yeah thats an accurate summary of what's happening and it needs to change. On the other hand you think you can shift into other dimensions so I only really waste my own time

"police aren't the problem it's just everything about police that's the problem"

Try not to choke on all that boot leather

I mean, yeah? I don't see a way in which having police without all of their problems is worse than having no police.