ACAB. to Lefty – 904 points –

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Memes are the political cartoons of the 2000s. Hopefully a bit funny, but more about the message.

Memes are about dumb jokes, the reason political cartoons and political memes aren't funny is because the second you bring politics in you brutally murder comedy. Not saying politics dont belong in comedy, but when the comedy is the vehicle to push your agenda, you get dumbshit like this.

Political agendas can't meme.

Sounds like a dumbass problem to me. Kid has some funny lines.

More importantly though, the space exists for both, apolitical memes and political alike. My point with the previous comment is that these kinds of small, digestible, somewhat funny but really more poignant pieces have been around since politics have. Once again, they're called political cartoons. They've been co-opted into practically every form of comedy throughout history. This is nothing new to memes.

Sounds like a dumbass problem to me.

Ohh yeah, for sure, you have no argument there lol.

The best thing about comedy and pretty much everything is, it's subjective and my opinion of it can't destroy your opinion of it and vice versa. At least you were chill about it lol.

You got an ouchie on your feefees, bud?

The child presents as "gee whiz, aww shucks mister" and then his words are increasingly harsh and abrupt (coincidentally, they are also true). The juxtaposition in the child's presentation is objectively funny.

If the precocious little guy was here right now, he'd probably be eating a giant novelty lollipop and asking you if you brush your teeth every time you get done licking those boots.

I just think its a shit joke.

Doesn't actually seem like you think at all, just react - likely because you or someone you know is a cop and you're either in denial of the bigger known reality of cops at scale or you simply lack the basic empathy to consider any experience outside of your own first hand account of the world.

You know what's funny about this, you arrogantly assume that because I think its a shit joke I must be a bootlicking cop fucker who sucks every cops dick.

I just think its a shit joke you dumb fuck, but you ultra lefty cunts need to vilify anyone who says anything vaguely against your precious idealistic views, if yours so god damn ACAB, go punch a cop you cowards.

Its people like you that are making lives hard for actual caring left leaning people to make some sort of change, you lot are the lefts equivalent to MAGA and I can't wait for both sides to die out.

Go fuck yourself you sad fuck.

I don't think it's every cop's dick, I think at the most it's every other cop... Scary enough to give yourself a built-in breather and time to wipe up.

Man its a shit joke, get over yourself and go punch a cop if you're king of ACAB, I'm done with your projection, I think the jokes dumb, get over it you dumb cunt. Fuckin this is why people hate the left now, YOUR ATTACKNG SOMEONE WHO HATES COPS YOU RETARD, but no you gotta protect your dumb meme fucking retards everywhere here.

Block me ban me I dont care I'm done with you and your shit.

Look at you telling on yourself left and right... Just showing your whole ass.

Go be a pedophile somewhere else. I'm done .

Just playing all the hits aren't you? Just keep on embarrassing yourself, bud. You're on a roll!