Internet forums are disappearing because now it's all Reddit and Discord. And that's worrying. to – 1444 points –
Los foros de internet están desapareciendo porque ahora todo es Reddit y Discord. Y eso es preocupante

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if you have a thread you like, make sure to or it

You can also request all of your posts on Reddit in a neat little csv. Takes about a month to get though.

And then you can go through and delete all your comments, lessening the value of Reddit as a platform.

You can also edit all your high scoring comments with bizarre misinformation so the next AI scrape gets dumber.

Even better, use an AI to generate the misinformation to save you time (and get even dumber misinformation).

I never got mine. Been a lot more that a month.

Took a looong time, but I eventually got mine. I think it might have even been more than a month. They are certainly in no rush.

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