Internet forums are disappearing because now it's all Reddit and Discord. And that's worrying. to – 1444 points –
Los foros de internet están desapareciendo porque ahora todo es Reddit y Discord. Y eso es preocupante

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If there is payment, better support crypto too, because this way you wouldn't force people to KYC themselves, as well as wouldn't exclude people from sanctioned regions.

Nope. Imo the point is to avoid cryptobro bots and the like, not invite them.

Plus crypto is volatile and you'd have to manage it a lot more to keep it pegged at "expensive enough"

And even then, you won't discourage a troll who just happens to have an absurd stash of coins without pricing out legitimate users. A bot farmer with 50k in bitcoin would drop a few hundredths of a coin just to make your day worse.

"Cryptobros" =/= "people using crypto", because this is a legitimate usecase. You can see it discussed on Lemmy too. This is how I can pay for my VPS while my card doesn't work. This is how I would pay for a service even if my card did work, but I didn't want to attach pretty much my real name to it. But yea, I agree that it might be complicated logistically. Have seen services where you can buy prepaid cards for crypto - at least that should work.

Yes, but my point was more so that crypto bros swim in that water too, and my thinking was more so to discourage assholes rather than attain 100% immutable anonymity.

Plus crypto is volatile and you'd have to manage it a lot more to keep it pegged at "expensive enough"

this is a solved problem. Just change the crypto cost according to its exchange value. I pay for my vpn and my vps with crypto.

True, but my thinking would be that I wouldn't want to promote total anonymity when the whole thrust of what I was saying was to attach cost, burden, and some kind of identity if possible.

Pay me ten bucks from PayPal.

I don't care about your PayPal info but I at least know you're "real" enough to pass basic PayPal setup screening nowadays. That kind of thing.