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WordPress has automatic updates for core, plugins and themes. I've never had any problems with it, running a very basic WordPress site. Would something like that be possible for Lemmy?

I doubt it tbh. A static wordpress site is infinitely less complex than something that constantly needs to take in and distribute content from/to thousands of endpoints with potentially many different api versions on the other side.

Im not that deep into activitypub stuff but from my understanding, automatic updates are not really a good idea in this case.

Federation doesnt have many breaking changes anymore. The bigger problem is if a database migration goes wrong, then there should be an admin around to fix it manually. Im sure Wordpress has the resources for much more thorough testing so these things dont happen.

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Yes, I could easily configure our Podman containers to auto-update, but given how there have been significant breaking bugs in Lemmy releases before, I think it's better to not automate it.

And I appreciate your choice (considering a good number of communities I enjoy are on your instance).

Personally I think anything prod level should be manual updates only anyway.

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