Marjorie Taylor Greene introduces amendment directing Biden to withdraw from Nato to politics – 148 points –
Marjorie Taylor Greene introduces amendment directing Biden to withdraw from Nato

President Biden expressed the US’s ‘ironclad commitment to NATO’


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I'm not "butthurt," I'm just saying you can't be irrelevant and have power. That makes no sense.

She’s irrelevant.

Repeating it doesn't make what you're saying make sense. "Irrelevant" doesn't mean stupid or wrong or a traitor, it means you have no effect on things. She has a big effect on things.

I’m sorry I offended you by insulting your friend. But I still think she’s irrelevant. If it makes you fee better, I think you’re irrelevant too, so at least the two of you get to share that commonality.

She's not my friend. Don't be a troll. This isn't Reddit. And of course I'm irrelevant. I have no power. I'm guessing you're also irrelevant.

You telling me not to be a troll is ironic considering you could have just made the small leap it would have taken to assume that this is just my opinion of her- and that you could have just ignored it and scrolled past.

But you didn’t.

You wanted to argue. So I obliged. I hope what you learned from this is that you can disagree with people and just….. move on.

All I have been saying is that it makes no sense to call someone irrelevant when they have power. That's it. And somehow that makes me her friend? Please explain yourself.

You done?

No, I'm not done. You made a specific accusation- that she was my friend. I take offense to that and would like you to please justify it. Unless it was a lie, of course. Then it needs no justification. Was it a lie?


Got it. You lied, are a troll, and will now be blocked. I will not put up with Reddit behavior.

Dude thinks he won an argument because I refuse to argue my opinion against his… and I’m the Redditor. LOL

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