AOC defeats moderate challenger in Democratic primary to politics – 854 points –
AOC defeats moderate challenger in Democratic primary

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Suck it AIPAC.

The ones laughing at Bowman’s loss? Yeah, I’m sure they’re crying so hard tonight

Will you people shut up about the DNC/Israel/"Them" rigging everything now?

This guy doesn't know the difference between rigging and ratfucking, point and laugh at him.

I'd rather not give them even that level of attention.

Why? We get to tell the truth and apparently deeply bother you all at once. Seems like a win-win for everyone but you , and you don't matter.

I don't expect you to actually stop, I just expect to expose you as disingenuous partisans.

You could argue that AIPAC is partly responsible for the mess we're in, as well as other PACs. So, I don't think that they will stop. Hell, one could hold that stance while voting for questionable politicians on their side. You just gotta make sure that the threat of being primaried remain.

After what happened to Jamaal Bowman. Not a fucking chance.

Oh, did people pointing out the unfair latitude given to your favorite genocidal nation make you upset? Whoops.