Rock Eagle Flag to Lemmy – 950 points –

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Guns don't protect children. They're the leading cause of death in children.

I have no idea what you're talking about with protecting food...hunting? Not how most people get their food. Most people get food from a grocery store...where they're increasingly likely to get shot.

If the freedom line was in reference to the military, there's hardly a vet alive who's done that... they're all dead from old age. The only wars we've been fighting were for revenge or resources. I say that as a vet.

If you're talking about protecting us from our far as I know, nobody has even won an armed confrontation with the police or feds over freedoms. Guns made Waco worse. Guns made Ruby Ridge worse. I guess the Bundy's protected their "right" to steal from taxpayers by grazing their cattle on public land without paying for it like they should have. That feels like a less important right than "life" to me personally.

Guns don't protect children. They're the leading cause of death in children.

Fucking THANK YOU!

They're the leading cause of death in children.

Uh...WHAT? Ain't no fucking way. *checks statistics*

...😳 what the actual fuck. Y'all doin alright down there?

Graph in article shows that until around 2019 most children died from cars.

fuckin biden making gasoline too expensive /s

It does give the impresson that grand theft auto is a realistic simulation.