Lawns suck rule to – 1137 points –

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The snakes are only there to eat the mice and rats this brings. Which is why most locales in the US won’t let you do this. If you want a similar effect of this to simply encourage pollinators you can plant a native pollinator garden and get some pollinator houses. Similar, but smaller effect without the mice and the county/city giving you flack.

This is a long winded way to say you have no idea that yards can be utilized for recreational activities or art and that's why we have them.

No one uses their front yard for recreation. The only “art” I see in yards are the shitty Christmas and Halloween decorations or lawn gnomes and pink flamingos. Communal areas are used for recreational activities more often than backyards even in suburbia especially after the age of about 12.

Most people that actually leave their house and are physically active use their yard…

No, you don't, plenty of people do. And my town is filled with various holiday decorations, flower beds, and shrubbery. It's not the corporate overlords indoctrinating this idea, people like decorating their house for Halloween.

The subdivision I currently live in, squarely in suburbia, has like a dozen kids out every single night playing in various front yards. The parents hang out in the driveways to monitor. Been that way for over a decade. All I and my friends did when I was younger was either play video games or dick around in the yard, playing football or whatever we were doing at the time. The park was far away, and we couldn't drive, and our parents worked. We had a yard 4 feet from the front door, where else are we gonna play?

Maybe in town you'd go to the park because the other option was the street.