Google Apps are like junk food, bad for your health/privacy, but very good in taste/product otherwise. to – 163 points –

Think about it, Google Maps is (I think) the biggest collection of map data and information on locations everywhere around the world, yet I don't want an advertising company knowing that I just went to a fast food place.

YouTube is an endless trove of video content that anyone can contribute to, yet I'd much rather not give an advertiser information on every little interest that I have in video.

It's so bad for you, but it's so good.


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I am not even logged in. I clear my entire browser every day and youtube still tries to shove propaganda. I use Firefox + uBlock Origin on Android. Seems like if you dont use an account, they just show what the average person watches, which is apparantly right wing shit.

Ouch. On desktop I use YouTube in a logged out container tab - after watching a LTT and TLE video my feed usually falls in line.

There is occasionally some disturbing stuff on the homepage which is a little offputting. Funny thing is, in NewPipe on my phone I see no such content!

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