And if not US, it's UK, France or Russia to Lefty – 655 points –

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Your comment made me think: Its funny that politicians who promise more strict borders and curtail immigration from Asia also support bombing the heck out of the Middle East.

Like, you gotta stop at some point and think.. "maybe we should stop being assholes and not plunder natural resources and call people extremist for opposing us"

It's not funny or strange. That's how colonialism, imperialism, and capitalism have always functioned.

Hey now, Capitalism would rather beat those people into submission and turn them into slaves. Bombs cut into profit, ya know :u

Well building bombs on the other hand is very lucrative. As long as you keep a few zones of earth as playgrounds for these bombs

Like how people say to nuke Palestine. It'll never happen, the entire point of the genocide is to free up water side property for the elites