The justices of the supreme court ruled that Trump was immune and effectively above the law while being president. What is now stopping Biden from bringing a gun to the next debate? to No Stupid – 451 points –

If inciting an insurrection towards their own government is an action without legal repercussions, I don't see how the law would be less lenient about straight up firing a gun at an opponent.

I by no means want any party to resolve to violent tactics. So even though I play with the thought, I really don't want anything like it to happen. I am just curious if it's actually the case that a sitting president has now effectively a licence to kill.

What am I missing?


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So, the "license to kill" is fine, as long it's non US citizens?

Your definition of democracy and basic human rights is fucking unhinged.

Interesting reaction to what was a logical statement. He was simply stating how things are.

Logic without empathy is the hallmark of psychopathy

Observing a system you're in and have no control over must be done objectively.