AOC wants to impeach SCOTUS justices following Trump immunity ruling to politics – 1726 points –
AOC wants to impeach SCOTUS justices following Trump immunity ruling

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Maybe instead of using your energy to attack Biden you use it to support your local democrat in their senate run

Unless you actually just want Trump

Or — just maybe — the guy is able to judge reality for what it is. We’re getting trump unless there’s some black swan. I’m voting Brandon, but he’s a fucking disaster right now and the swing state polls are grim as fuck. Best case scenario he fucks off to the next life and we get a new nominee.

Before you accuse me of wanting trump, check my fucking comment history.


I'm going to vote for Biden. I will vote for a used condom before I vote for Trump. But it is my opinion that we already lost the election. We must point fingers and hold the responsible parties accountable, otherwise we will make the same mistake again and again and again...

Ohhhh fuck this shit...

Biden has dementia! I have seen it with my two eyes. My father was diagnosed with dementia 3-4 years ago and my father is Albert Einstein compared to Biden right now. DNC and establishment Dems have been lying to us! All in order to push a corporate backed establishment president down our throats. We could have younger and more able presidential candidate if DNC acted accordingly 2 years ago. I'm too fucking pissed off to bite your "calling DNC on their bullshit will turn you to a trump supporter" line!

I am aggressively attacking DNC and all of their astroturfing on Reddit and here because I am 100% confident that we lost the election already.

Trump has been doing the same nonsensical babble thing at rallys.

He also accidentally farted while responding at the debate, literal hot micing.

Holy cope