AOC wants to impeach SCOTUS justices following Trump immunity ruling to politics – 1726 points –
AOC wants to impeach SCOTUS justices following Trump immunity ruling

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She wont be able to do anything. The reason supreme court decided to move forward with this decision is because they are 100% confident that Trump will win presidency and republicans will control both the house and the Senate. After seeing Biden in the last debate, I believe they are right.

Maybe instead of using your energy to attack Biden you use it to support your local democrat in their senate run

Unless you actually just want Trump

Or — just maybe — the guy is able to judge reality for what it is. We’re getting trump unless there’s some black swan. I’m voting Brandon, but he’s a fucking disaster right now and the swing state polls are grim as fuck. Best case scenario he fucks off to the next life and we get a new nominee.

Before you accuse me of wanting trump, check my fucking comment history.


I'm going to vote for Biden. I will vote for a used condom before I vote for Trump. But it is my opinion that we already lost the election. We must point fingers and hold the responsible parties accountable, otherwise we will make the same mistake again and again and again...

Ohhhh fuck this shit...

Biden has dementia! I have seen it with my two eyes. My father was diagnosed with dementia 3-4 years ago and my father is Albert Einstein compared to Biden right now. DNC and establishment Dems have been lying to us! All in order to push a corporate backed establishment president down our throats. We could have younger and more able presidential candidate if DNC acted accordingly 2 years ago. I'm too fucking pissed off to bite your "calling DNC on their bullshit will turn you to a trump supporter" line!

I am aggressively attacking DNC and all of their astroturfing on Reddit and here because I am 100% confident that we lost the election already.

Trump has been doing the same nonsensical babble thing at rallys.

He also accidentally farted while responding at the debate, literal hot micing.

Holy cope

Maybe the Supreme Court knows something we dont.... for example some folks on the electoral college having been promised bribes... I mean "gratuities" for voting Trump in no matter what the popular vote is.
I'm not saying that's definitely happened, but at this rate the corruption in our government has gone so far it wouldn't surprise me in the least. Especially with the absolute crock of shit that's been pouring out of the Supreme Courts rulings and how it's conveniently setting them up for this, or something similar.

The Supreme Court must be impartial regardless of legislative and executive political mudslinging of the time. That's the whole point of different branches of government.

If SCOTUS made the decision after seeing Trump and Biden debate, or knowing Republicans will control both houses, then they aren't doing their job as they should. There's a reason why juries are encouraged not to watch TV or media that would cloud their decision, and the same should apply to judges.

People forget the bloody whole point of checks and balance!

The Supreme Court must be impartial regardless of legislative and executive political mudslinging of the time.

Yeah sure, except that they clearly aren't. So the question is what do we do now?

Cool story. Now figure out how to stop them other than 'vote'. Cause we know that's just kicking the can down the road.

Is non violent insurrection on the table?

I'd be okay with a violent one. Drag the justices out and tar and feather them. They want to make this country great again? Fine. Let's show them what made it great: vigilante justice against tyranny.

Every non violent success story has someone behind the non violent one ready to burn shit down that makes the non violent one the easier choice.

They didn't forget: they explictly and knowingly realized they could abuse the checks and balances and there would be no consequences. And they have so far been right.

The Supreme Court must be impartial regardless of legislative and executive political mudslinging of the time.

then they aren’t doing their job as they should.

There were times in my life when I was pretty much a functioning alcoholic. If you think that the supreme court has even a shred of decency left, then I want to drink what you are drinking. I don't think I ever got that drunk it my life.

After seeing Biden in the last debate, I believe they are right

Yes lets judge a mans entire career based on one off night.

It breaks my heart to say this but my father was diagnosed with dementia few years ago and he has been battling dementia ever since then. Before we insisted on taking him to the doctor, we could see a lot of signs that made us think "can it be that?". My father is Albert Einstein compared to Biden at the debate.

If you think "Biden just had a bad night" or "He just had a cold" then I regret to inform you that is copium and you are coping. There is no fucking way in hell that was just one bad night or cold. There is no fucking way in hell his cabinet or DNC has not been aware of these issues for at least couple years.

Even if he manages to bounce back from time to time, it's only going to be downhill from there.

As my father's doctor explained us, there is no cure for this. He will continuously get worse no matter what. What we are trying to do with all these drugs is to slow down his progress, so his natural end of life happens before his quality of life totally disappears.

Fuck man, this is such hard thing to bear and type out.

It’s not just one off night

  • From 10am to 4pm, Biden is dependably engaged — and many of his public events in front of cameras are held within those hours.