gotdamn to Lemmy – 1205 points –

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no its you being a hypocrite, which is why you are wrong

water is wet, and everything you try saying how it "only gives wetness but doesnt have it" just further is proving how water is wet. because everything that touches it becomes wet, besides water, because ita already wet

Nope, and name-calling is just another ad-hominem fallacy

You have the mistaken belief that because water makes other things that touches wet that it must be wet itself. That simply isn’t the case.

I’m sorry that is so difficult for you to accept.

hypocrite is not name calling its an observation

sorry its so hard to accept that water is wet. cant be not wet 😂

Kinda sad you’ve gone with the whole “nuh-uh!” Name-calling thing, but that’s no argument.

Water isn’t wet, it just makes other things wet. Try not to get upset about that.

you are making stuff up now. sad. water is wet. nothing you say will change that

How disappointing that you’ve turned to anger and accusations, all because you refuse to accept that water is not wet, it merely makes things that touches wet.

youve started projecting now. because water is wet you must say how youre really feeling but towards me

I don’t have any feelings towards you at all.

That doesn’t change the fact that water is not wet, it merely makes other things wet.

do you not see the logical fallacy of that? "its not wet i swear its just that everything it touches suddenly becomes wet and no one knows why"

I have repeatedly pointed out your logical fallacies. Wasn’t it just you accusing me of projecting? Lol.

projecting being mad not the fallacy part. and i was gonna say that earlier but kept forgetting to 😂

water is wet just like fire is hot

Water isn’t fire— false equivalency fallacy. Water isn’t wet.

You really shouldn’t take this so personally. Have a nice nice day!

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