The planet’s vision is getting worse: 50% of the population will have myopia by 2050 to World – 208 points –
The planet’s vision is getting worse: 50% of the population will have myopia by 2050

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Optometrists believe that the reason for this is that we’re tending to be inside more than we used to be, rather than going outside as much, so our eyes basically aren’t getting as much exercise in looking at stuff far away.

I’ve also heard the theory that eyes need ultraviolet light to grow properly, which is missing in artificial lighting.

Yeah, I’ve noticed that my eyes focal point has become the distance to my monitor.

We're also only focusing on our phone screen not too far from our face too.

You mean to tell me, that in this day and age, with half a zillion cars out on the road damn near every day, that people don't go outside as much as they used to? Let alone have to look half a mile down the road to find the exit sign on the highway?..

Myopia develops in children. If you have any, you'll know they don't generally look out of car windows.

Oh, I've got myopia, like -5 vision, and yes I was born with it. That's why I ain't buying that whole 'we don't go outside as much' theory for even a second.

Edit: Thank goodness for glasses/contact lenses.

I've spent most of my life in front of a screen and have perfect vision, a couple of people don't make a statistic

I grew up on a 40 acre horse ranch and had to walk about a quarter mile to even catch the school bus, yet couldn't see a pile of horse shit until I accidentally stepped in it.

So still, I ain't buying that whole 'spending more time indoors causes myopia' thing, I was literally born with it.

Lmao you really just do the ol "had to wall a mile up hill both ways"

LMAO, you ever tried walking a quarter mile when your vision is so bad you can't even see your own fucking dick clearly?

Maybe you should put your dick away tho, I think there's better ways to check your vision

Yes, you're right. I can't see my own fingerprints (without my glasses), past about 1 foot (~30.5 centimeters) in front of my face.

I didn't even get glasses until I was 8 years old, which basically meant I was running around legally blind until the age of 8, when they finally stopped punishing me for not being able to see shit and actually took me to an optometrist.

I just can't see my own dick clearly because it's incredibly, incredibly small. I'd DM you a pic but my electron microscope is in the shop rn.

There's a difference between seeing your dick versus seeing your pubic hairs clearly. Whether you take my word on it or not, my member is of a decent size, I just can't see the hairs without my glasses or contact lenses.

There are infants born with heart issues, does that mean that you should eat 10 hamburgers a day anyway?

Did everyone miss my point? I didn't grow up stuck inside so often, I spent a LOT of time outdoors. Hell, the first book I ever read was a survival manual.

I even learned to drive a stick shift at age 7, before I even got glasses. So I still stand by the opinion that indoor vs outdoor environment makes fuckall nothing to do with nearsightedness.

You're either born with it or you aren't. It's all about the shape of the eye.

I spent more time outdoors than indoors.

I mean, I don't know how much simpler I can make it. You can be born without a hand or lose it in an accident, same as you, you can be born with bad eyesight or develop it because of external factors, doesn't mean that we shouldn't mitigate the external factors.

Again, did you miss my point? Apparently so, I grew up outdoors. I learned to drive a stick shift and learned how to shoot a gun before I even had glasses.

That doesn't mean it was appropriate the ways they taught me, but still I was an outdoors kid, I wasn't stuck in a fucking room..

But I was still literally born nearsighted.

I feel like I'm talking to a chatbot with very limited instructions. I guess this is pointless. Goodbye.

Say what you want, I don't give a flying fuck.

At least I'm not a stupid chatbot and actually have a real life.


So because you were born with myopia, you don't believe that some people develop it later in life? What are you talking about?

Do you even know what causes myopia at birth? The eyes aren't properly spherical, they're elongated. This doesn't tend to change all that much over one's lifetime either.

You aren't born with adult sized eyes. Your eyes grow as you grow, and their growth appears to be regulated by how they're used. It's covered in the article, maybe read it?

No shit Watson. It's still all about the shape and proportions of the eye, not the size. Anyone with myopia can literally push their eyes in gently via the eyelids and see a bit better.

Your eyes don't get longer from being indoors, you're either born with longer than normal eyes or you aren't. Some are even born with shorter eyes, called hyperopia (also better known as farsightedness).

Right, you somehow know better than all the scientists and opthalmologists who've explained otherwise 🙄

Yes, I do take that stance, and I always will. Those dumb fucks declared me deaf for the first 8 years of my life.

I heard them just fine, I just couldn't see their lips moving.

And yes, I also have 42 years of actual real life experience with myopia. What the fuck a scientist gonna tell you if they haven't literally lived and experienced bad nearsighted eyes?

Would you like some more actual life experience? I became more nearsighted over time as my eyes developed. Rather than concluding that it's impossible for you to have it at birth (which is what I could reasonably conclude using a sample of me alone), I recognize that there are multiple possible ways for someone to become nearsighted. And scientists are finding that people who spend more time looking at screens are more likely to develop myopia after birth

Yep. My first diagnosis was -3.5 for the left, -3.75 for the right. Yes it degrades over time. Very slowly though.

These days, I find that my outdated lenses do better than my recent lenses, when I use my old left lens for my right eye.

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