Does anyone else feel like fireworks are a complete waste of money and a ridiculous amount of unnecessary Pollution? to No Stupid – 793 points –

300 million lbs of fireworks and 2.7 billion dollars gone in a cloud of smoke.


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That's what I'm saying. One day we'll look back in amazement that we let the public buy fireworks willy-nilly. Even the "it was good enough for me!" crowd of angry old-timers will have to go "Well, yeah, people blowed they hands off. And it bothered my vet'ren son and the neighbor's dogs somethin fierce. They're alright. It's prolly fer the best."

Now, I fully admit later today I will be running around in a country field with my friends shooting bottle rockets at each other. But we won't be bothering SOMEONE ELSE, and that's my thing.

Except fireworks has literally been a part of civilization for 1,000 plus years, so I don’t see that changing anytime soon.

One day we’ll look back in amazement that we let people have sex willy nilly and bond with whomever they like on a whim, forming friendships and families without central oversight.

But that doesn’t mean that future we’ll be looking back from in amazement won’t be a dystopian nightmare, or that our perspective won’t be warped by even more decades of infantilization.

As someone who generally is in favor of regulating dangerous things, fireworks are fine as-is. They're basically limited to one night a year, the damage is not very extreme, and the people getting hurt are by and large the people choosing to endanger themselves.