Head of group responsible for Project 2025 threatens violence if people challenge their "revolution"

Flying Squid@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 959 points –
Head of group responsible for Project 2025 threatens violence if people challenge their "revolution"

"And so I come full circle on this response and just want to encourage you with some substance that we are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be," he said.


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I hope you do realize that this means you've been wrong all the time. Because the main political argument for gun ownership is such events exactly.

No, I haven't been, and that's why I said personally. The reason why I never wanted a gun in my house is because of looking at the statistics of who is by far the most likely to get shot by that gun. [Either me or my spouse.]

I am all for responsible gun ownership and made the personal choice not to get one because the threat of my government has not been a credible threat. That is changing, which is why I am trying to decide to make the personal choice to get one. The increased risk to both myself and my spouse is nearing the tipping point where NOT having one is a greater risk from my government.

The reason why I never wanted a gun in my house is because of looking at the statistics of who is by far the most likely to get shot by that gun. [Either me or my spouse.]

Ah. Same here. Though I can't get a legal one here anyway, because Russian laws make no difference between ADHD, ASD and schizophrenia for the purpose of getting a permit.

I misunderstood that "anti-gun personally", cause not wanting a gun in your own house doesn't mean being anti-gun. One thing is about whether the choice is on your side or on the government's, the other is what would you choose.

No worries! I know it's hard to convey those levels of nuance in these conversations, especially with how quick everyone is to jump to one side or the other.

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