Boeing pleads guilty to a criminal fraud charge · BBC News - World to World – 368 points –
Boeing to plead guilty to criminal fraud charge over 737 Max crashes

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Boeing was fined $243mil

Boeing profits >$10mil on each $100mil 737 max they sell

Boeing has a annual revenue >$70000mil

Boeing was fined <1% of their annual revenue

Boeing killed 346 people

Forgot the part where the shareholders agreed to give the CEO a nice 20+mil bonus while this is going on.

This is a rounding error to them. Boeing doesn't care that they killed 346 348 people.

Businesses need to be held accountable. Businesses won't be held accountable because they pay governments off.

Boeing doesn't care that they killed 346 people.

Are you counting the 2 suddenly dead whistleblowers?

Oops, I forgot to include them. My math is not that good that early in the morning lol