Women of lemmy - do you feel like you watch more or less porn than men, generally?

Cryophilia@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 35 points –

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You're asking the wrong question on the wrong place and the wrong crowd.

Hey now. I'm sure the one woman here, not promoting her OF, has an opinion.

That’s not the issue…

I watch way more porn than any boyfriend I’ve ever had and more than my husband and have zero profit motive.

Therefore I will not elaborate.

Once upon a time, people uploaded their personal porn for free. Now everyone and their mother have an OF.

So frustrating, but it makes sense. "I enjoy doing this, so why not also make money at it?"

But then you get those people mixing with the "I don't like this at all, I'm just in it for the money" actors and it's this whole icky mess.

I miss the days when people just did it for fun.

It's ultimately following a general online trend here. YT and other platforms were similar in that regard. From just random people uploading things for the fun of it, to an over-commercialization that turned everything into clickbait and how to make your content be the best for monetization purposes. In regards to porn I think the great Pornhub purge also killed a lot of interest of the few remaining people who did this for fun. Not everyone wants to personally expose themselves via ID for verification purposes.

Shit, I forgot about that. Goddamn FOSTA/SESTA Christian misogynist lawmakers.

I mean...that's you, answering the question? What exactly is the issue?

Does it count as watching porn if you're editing you OF content?

If you masturbate to your own videos while you do it, I guess?

Ok I get it there's very few women on lemmy, but maybe we should be encouraging more to join/participate instead of keeping it as a kind of toxic boys-only club?

I think there are definitely less women than men but probably more women than it seems like.

I know I don't mention I'm a woman unless it's relevant, like this post. Sometimes, I'll even purposefully use vague language or gender-neutral terms because I don't want to get condescending interactions or feel like I have to be a perfect representation of a woman in order to dispel stereotypes.

E.g. Although I love technology and tinker with a home lab and small Arduino projects, I'm not about to look like an absolute CS genius if someone feels like confirming a bias they have about women and CS skills.

AKA "You like baseball?? Name every player on the Cubs twenty years ago then."

That's fair. I do wish we could get to a point where women don't have to hide.

Oh, you like CS?

Then how did you solve the P/NP problem?