The worst pick-up line I've ever gotten

Maven (famous) to Lemmy – 1039 points –

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That was the worst? If they came up with that on their own and didn't just copy someone then that's pretty creative at least.

Its not what the quote says, but who the quote comes from.

JKR is a hateful, raging TERF. Something like Voldemort for trans people.

You should read this from her own words. I know you won't read it all the way through because your mind is probably made up. Maybe someone will come along and see her in a different light though. I read the whole thing. Zero hate of any kind.

Yeah, no. It's not just one accidental like.

Also there is hate in the blog post you linked

So I want trans women to be safe. At the same time, I do not want to make natal girls and women less safe. When you throw open the doors of bathrooms and changing rooms to any man who believes or feels he’s a woman – and, as I’ve said, gender confirmation certificates may now be granted without any need for surgery or hormones – then you open the door to any and all men who wish to come inside. That is the simple truth.

This is a terrible argument because if a man wanted to abuse women in the restroom, he wouldn't need to transition to do so. He'd just walk in. There isn't an armed guard at the door of the women's bathroom.

I'm NB and quoting Harry Potter just sounds like you hate me

Edit: also I get very few people messaging me first

Edit 2: I really don't understand the downvotes outside of maybe just enjoying Harry Potter. This is just a personal experience I've had.

Harry Potter stuff directly funds anti-trans organizations and that leads to the furthering decline of mental health among trans people which leads to them dying.

Sure, an opening message doesn't send any money to JK but it's a massive red flag that someone is willing to send money to JK.

People are allowed to enjoy things, but in turn, I'm also allowed to decide not to talk to someone for funding hate speech.

I guess it is bad in the sense that it's not great pick-up line to use in your case, but I do like the creativity. Would've been better used to someone with some Harry Potter stuff in their bio though

I'm sorry you have to deal with so many ignorant and apologist people.

Everyone who exuses the hate Rowling spreads because of the Harry Potter cult is partly responsible for the harm and danger this causes to trans and non binary people.

wowwww a trans person sharing their experience being heavily downvoted.

let's all say it together!!

Lemmy is transphobic as fuck!!

edit: the downvotes literally just prove my point ✨

I think the people downvoting took "quoting Harry Potter sounds like you hate me" as "quoting Harry Potter means you hate trans people" (stated as fact). The OP said this is how it feels to them, we shouldn't downvote people for sharing how they experienced something.

Also I think people are reading it as "the worst pickup line." rather than "the worst pickup line (for me as a NB person)"

Maybe just don't be a raging asshole about everything all the time.

in what way was I an asshole in this comment exchange? pointing out transphobic behavior? I can live with that

Victim complex. Maybe instead of making everything about you and your struggles, just take it for a funny post that has literally nothing to do with trans people.

this post literally has something to do with trans people because a trans person posted it and shared how they felt, as a trans person, when receiving this message.

but go ahead, discredit trans people by saying we have a "victim complex". it outs you immediately as a transphobe so it's useful for me

Wow. You seriously just said "everything I interact with is about me". That's some serious, like not even funny, clinical level narcissism. I'm not even joking anymore, you should get therapy for that. It's a really unhealthy outlook.

Did you read the OP's comment and explanation? That I was replying to? You actually seem lost. You're trying so hard to be condescending but boo... like did you read the comment?

Being non-binary is not the same as being trans... and perhaps they were being downvoted for a different reason.

I always find it odd when people assume why someone is being downvoted. You never know why someone votes the way they do.

I'm not the gender I was assigned at birth. What's your definition of trans then???

Gender identity doesn't get assigned at birth. There is no "gender" field on a birth certificate.

Sex gets identified at birth (at the latest, usually before, during pregnancy, unless specifically requested to keep it secret).

Two reasons this is important to point out:

  • Assignment implies that the act of assigning is what makes it so. It's not. If a doctor says that a male baby is female, it's not now female just because they said so. "Identify" is a much more accurate description of what the doctor is doing.
  • The whole premise of "transness" being a thing relies on the notion of sex and gender being two distinct, independently-variable traits. So be careful not to conflate them. It causes needless confusion, since conflating them literally undermines the whole thing--after all, if "sex" and "gender" are equivalent, then it's objectively impossible to be trans.

I very much agree with this point. My reaction there was mostly just a gut response to being excluded from trans spaces in the past for not being "trans enough" and I could've worded it better.

It just frustrates me how much trans people/activists fuck up their own messaging with confusing/ambiguous/self-contradicting rhetoric, you know?

Another major example imo, is using the single word "gender", both to describe gender identity (something an individual person has), and gender roles (something a society has), sometimes in the same damn sentence.

The best way to ensure a discussion isn't productive is to make sure that the 'discussers' are using the same terms, but are defining them differently, lol...

I never claimed to be an expert. I am admitting now that I am somewhat ignorant as to what the exact definitions are, but from what I understand from what my NB friend explained it is that if you transition from one gender to another that makes you trans. NB are neither gender so there was no transition between genders.

I guess one could make the argument that they transitioned from being gender-labeled to being non-gender, but IMO that's a stretch in an attempt to label NB people as trans.

That being said, there is nothing wrong with being trans. I was just trying to make a distinction as was explained to me by a NB person.

I guess what they're getting at is that if "non-binary" is considered a gender identity unto itself, then you could describe one being trans with the transition being "from man to non-binary", for example.

That person's understanding of trans identity is not common. Most nonbinary people consider themselves to be trans.

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wowwww a trans person making unfair assumptions/criticisms of people for quoting an extremely popular piece of pop culture.

let's all say it together!!

Being trans does not grant a prejudice pass!!

Someone literally just shared their experience as a trans person, and it was downvoted. Maybe listen to what the commenter said, instead of just down voting it?

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