Biden loses his train of thought, calls Harris 'Vice President Trump' in solo press conference to politics – 109 points –
Biden loses his train of thought, calls Harris 'Vice President Trump' in solo press conference

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This is the internet. The odds of that guy actually being a staunch dem are very slim.

Yeah, elsewhere he gave "It's a very complex issue 🥺" plea, unprompted, on whether Trump et co are fascist.

I believe you misread that or you're a fucking liar. Either way, that's not what I said.

He is a fucking liar, and intentionally wants to twist up the obvious context to fit his chosen narrative. In other words, a propagandist and a try-hard.

He went super fascist on me...about fascism. Fucking funny really.

He went super fascist on me…about fascism. Fucking funny really.

Fascism is when you ask someone to explain something they said, and the more you ask, the more fascist it is, I guess.

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