Biden loses his train of thought, calls Harris 'Vice President Trump' in solo press conference to politics – 109 points –
Biden loses his train of thought, calls Harris 'Vice President Trump' in solo press conference

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You are a literal disgrace to this country especially when Chase Oliver is here to fight thems horrible candidates. You will vote for someone you know is a failure because reasons and you aren't brainwashed? Vote Chase Oliver, more than enough of us hate Trump and Biden and he stands for real things, check him out before you downvote me

Spoiler candidate dude, sorry. I really despise Biden and the two party system, but there's zero choice here, it's Biden or fascism.

The right won't have a spoiler candidate siphoning votes in November, every state RNC is going to make damn sure of that.

So you give power to an unfair system? But its their issue? Or are you unable to do your own thing or say fuck the system? Everyone I know says Fuck Trump and Fuck Biden, literally only voting against someone, and I have to hear this dismissive shit that someone who gives a fuck shouldn't get airtime because? You are part of the problem and contributing to decline.

Best chance to change the system is to get Biden in, then pressure a democrat-controlled govt to adopt change. Federalize first past the post, maximum age limits, limit lobbying. None of this has a chance of ever happening at all if the left cote is split and trump wins. If Biden wins, there's at least a chance, however small.

Looked, downvoted.

And so who you plan to vote for? the court appointed rapist or genocide joe clearly on decline?

I plan on voting for a primary candidate that is not Donald Trump. Come election day, I think it's likely it will be Dark Brandon so will probably vote for him. You voting for any 3rd party candidate is almost as worthless as not voting in out current voting system.

I think you also fail to see that trump is a felon, would have probably been way more genocidal, was a failure to his country during covid, again a failure to his country when he led an insurrection, is batshit crazy in that he thought he should have won the last election. Do I need to go on.

I have to imagine that whomever is promoting a third party candidate either doesn't understand how US general elections work, or is actually trying to siphon votes from Biden to benefit Trump. It's tantamount to convincing someone not to vote at all.

Because of the first past the post voting, you need to vote against the candidate you definitely don't want. Any vote not for the Democrat is effectively a vote for Trump.

This isn't like voting for Kang or Kodos, Trump is a horrible person, was and would be a terrible president, and needs to be put in jail. Giving him the presidential office protects him from accountability which is probably the only reason he's running other than his ego.

Okay you say that, but this is literally the two worst candidates possible, if there was a yime we could win itd be now. Do you know any Trump or Biden supporters? Cause I don’t as someone in NY, literally people falling over themselves over who they not gonna vote, literally a time for Chase Oliver to win, but you know blue no matter who and watch Biden die in these polls.

My state is going to go to Biden. A Republican hasn't won my state in over 40 years. With a forgone conclusion, and a winner take all approach to electoral votes, my vote essentially doesn't matter unless I vote for a third party. If I can help them get 20% of the popular vote, theyll be in a much better position in 2028 and maybe we'll see some real change finally.

Also lmao at thinking a libertarian will siphon votes from the left. Also fuck you for telling me how to vote.

Ok let's think of the best case scenario of your choice affecting the election of your state meaningfully. Your third party candidate turns out to actually win your state woooooo!!! But wait that means that unless other states have turnout for that candidate you're state basically just wasted it's vote.

The best case scenario is that my candidate gets 20% of the popular vote and their party gets an automatic spot in the debates in 2028. I don't expect them to win any state outright in 2024, and if they did CT doesn't have enough electoral votes to affect the election in a meaningful way anyway

If this copypasta has better English and was on-topic, it'd get better reception. I get you have a quota, but be less obvious.

Why you, on a Canadian Instance at that, think I am not an American expressing my honest views? What makes you think someone with a different view is automatically a shill? What is obvious about me? Please explain cause it makes no sense.