It’s vitally important that Democrats now ask one question and one question only: Does Biden have the best chance of beating Trump, or is there someone else readily available who has a better chance? to politics – 329 points –
There’s only one relevant question

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Biden is cooked. But there is so much fear/exhaustion/disgust with Trump we are still in the margin of error.

Imagine if the Democrats ran somebody that anybody was actually positively excited about.

But that is not how the DNC works.

In 2024, who would that be? Who would you be excited about?

Literally anyone under 50 years old

How about, oh I don’t know, 62 as your ceiling. 50 is young as heck in that environment.

The DNC ran the person primary voters nominated

Funny, my ballot only had one name you could pick.

Yep, and I didn't even vote for him then. Wish more people had done the same to show the party how unenthusiastic we were about it.

I did “uncommitted” back on Super Tuesday, and I would vote that way again if the primary was held again in my state today.

I will still go vote for whoever is “not Trump” in November.

No prominent Democrat would dare challenge Biden before he drops out for fear of party retaliation. The two party system is the real issue here. Until we abolish it our best hope is things don't get worse because they won't get better.

Money, nepotism, and other corrupting things are pretty big factors in politics