If everyone is fired by AI, who's going to buy the products and services made by the companies if no one has money anymore?

Tiger Jerusalem@lemmy.world to No Stupid Questions@lemmy.world – 348 points –

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While I agree, I'm skeptical that we'll see any meaningful advance toward that end in our lifetimes.

It will get a lot worse before it gets any better

The hand has been played and trend has been set, I don't see anything coming close to a reversal, short of gereatric nepo babies dying off but their replacements don't look any better..

Sucks to suck

Very bleak of you

Well the facts don't look good, what is a peasant supposed to do?

Hope your descendants have it better

Hoping for something like that without taking direction action today is naive.

Direct action won't fix shit unless critical mass does it, so also got to spread the word about the fuckening we are enduring, most people are really not aware of the conditions on the ground beyond their personal experiences.

And what direct action would you propose?

  1. Vote with your money, esp with mega corps
  2. Don't suck some political or business daddies' dick for free, these people are your enemies, treat them as such
  3. Ask for raises every year, switch jobs as needed to keep market rate pay
  4. Consume less
  5. Don't engage in political circle jerks
  6. Don't dunk on the poors
  7. Freedom is privacy and security, physical and digital
  8. Educate people around you about these things.
  1. is ironic because that's exactly how mega corps vote
  2. Peasants (as you said) wouldn't be able to get their break without
  3. that's a needed. 100% agree
  4. what about people who are already consuming the bare minimum? What are they supposed to do?
  5. 100% agree
  6. 100% agree
  7. wrong. That's a privilege. Privileges can be taken away. Freedom is the ability to retard and expect repercussions or advance humanity in a civilized manner. What you are referring to is anarchy, and anarchy doesn't have to be bad. It puts the power in the individual with no government influence. However anarchy relies strictly on human nature and dependency
  8. 100%

Peasants (as you said) wouldn't be able to get their break without

How are they getting a break now?

As for 7, we are talking direct action? i am not following this response.

what about people who are already consuming the bare minimum? What are they supposed to do?

there is always room to improve consumption patterns... low hanging fruit is high processed foods. this can be driven two zero without any serious consequences. that's more of my point here.

You can't stop eating tho, no doubt, but you can chose what you eat.

Yeah, but we're talking about the possibility of a utopian society. It's completely theoretical at this point. You are talking about the logical here and now. What do you want for people in the future?

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Shoot yourself?

I gotta keep it real with you chief, I think about it quite a bit.

I lack the constitution for that also that's what regime would want you to do anyway...

why give them the pleasure when you can impose costs on them for their misconduct.

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