AI is overhyped and unreliable -Goldman Sachs to – 483 points –

AI is overhyped and unreliable -Goldman Sachs

"Despite its expensive price tag, the technology is nowhere near where it needs to be in order to be useful for even such basic tasks"


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Yeah but it's Goldman Sachs saying it. Presumably because they haven't invested in AI.

Perhaps we could get a non-biased opinion and also from an actual expert rather than some finance ghoul who really doesn't know anything?

I'd say they know a thing or two about finance... so maybe they didn't invest because they see it as overhype?

The problem is experts in AI are biased towards AI (it pays their salaries).

It's noteworthy because it's Goldman Sachs. Lots of money people are dumping it into AI. When a major outlet for money people starts to show skepticism, that could mean the bubble is about to pop.

Presumably because they haven’t invested in AI.

Presumably is carrying all the weight of your whole post here

Perhaps we could get a non-biased opinion and also from an actual expert rather than some finance ghoul who really doesn’t know anything?

I also hate banks, but usually those guys can sniff out market failures way ahead of the rest of us. All their bacon rides on that, after all

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