Schiff Warned of Wipeout for Democrats if Biden Remains in Race to politics – 43 points –
Schiff Warned of Wipeout for Democrats if Biden Remains in Race

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Mr.Biden could be heard mumbling to himself "I'm not dogmatic, only I can save America!" While standing in a corner facing a mannequin trying to shake its hand.

No he didn't.

"No, no he didnt... but you can imagine what it'd be like if he did!"

It was a joke about his mental state. Of course he didn't actually do that lol

We can joke about these things. It won't be the downfall of society. They're doing that for us.

You are part of the problem.

By acknowledging that Biden has absolutely no chance and needs to get the fuck over himself? If he actually cared about the country then he wouldn't be so dogmatic. It is not solid fact that he can win or that it needs to be him. There are other people who can do the job.

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Nope, Biden is the problem. Full stop.

Uncomfortable maybe for people who've spent a lot of energy defending him, but he is the failure point.

By acknowledging that he's not fit to run the country? The problem lies with voters and their party turning a blind eye to the issues.

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The toddler gates they keep around him now would prevent wandering off

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