President Biden tested positive for COVID-19. to – 531 points –
Statement from Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre | The White House

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Look, we all know Biden is basically a bajillion years old. Trump, on the other hand, is so young that he hasn't even been born yet.

It's crazy to put into perspective what a small blip all this is compared to the age of the earth, which has existed since the beginning of existence and will continue until the end of time.

Even our infinite and immeasurable planet is nothing when you compare it to the solar system, which contains everything that's ever existed ever.

the solar system, which contains everything that's ever existed ever

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh, are you sure about that?

That's really the only problem you had with that comment?

I mean, that was the part of the post that would break the entire universe, so it stood out to me more than the other things.

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