Tanker carrying Russian oil to China attacked by Houthi sea drone

BombOmOm@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 368 points –
Tanker carrying Russian oil to China attacked by Houthi sea drone

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Your outdated stats from 2020 are little relevant to their actions in the Red Sea. They are not sending children on suicide boats but autonomous boat drones.

The Houthis actions in this conflict pertaining Gaza are absolutely stellar and have massively impacted the way israel and the rest of the Western world is world willing to continue this Genocide. Because in the end our government only cares about money.

I can also bring up us murdering tens of millions of children in the last decades every single time someone brings up anything where we're actually doing the correct thing.

Okay, you are now defending a group that uses child soldiers after being informed that they use child soldiers because that was four whole years ago and also some whataboutism. That sort of defense does not belong in this community. It may even be a TOS violation, but I will let others decide on that front. Either way, you will have to find somewhere else to defend a group that uses child soldiers.

So if it's bad enough to ban them over why are the comments still up?

Because people need to know what happens when they promote a group that uses child soldiers.

Sticking a post saying that would be better. Especially if you think it's a tos violation keeping it up would be negligence as a mod

When you become a mod here, you can do it your way.

Yeah I would actually understand what I'm enforcing tos if using it as a way to remove users I don't like.

I don't particularly like you right now. I'm not planning on removing you unless you also decide to praise and defend a group that has murdered thousands of children.

praise and defend a group that has murdered thousands of children.

Like Israel, or the United States, or Russia, or UK, or Canada. We live in a world where every country has done that.

Also ironically not why you banned them but whatever. World continues to move to be reddit 2.0

And why is it that I banned them exactly? Let’s see some evidence to back up your claim that it was not for the reason I stated.

Really reads like you just got tried of them, didn't like dealing with their reports or actually thought they broke tos enough that was worthy of banning them but leaving up what broke tos.

Either way not anything about countries killing kids

I see, so you have no evidence for your claim whatsoever and have just decided I'm taking some sort of revenge against them.

Weird, then, that I posted a warning in another thread about the Houthis that anyone else would be treated accordingly.

Again, I don't like dealing with you, because you're being extremely rude, but I'm not banning you because you aren't doing anything that would necessitate a ban. You're just being needlessly combative about someone else's issue.

However: If you truly believe that I have abused my power as a moderator, there are instructions on the front page of lemmy.world on how to contact the administrators. You know what to do.

Ah yes the it was posted under the basement makes it look better

Sounds good. And definitely not being rude but thinking that really shows the situation.