evergreen meme

db0@lemmy.dbzer0.com to Lefty Memes@lemmy.dbzer0.com – 743 points –

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lol as if you're qualified to say they don't exist without knowing the lore. Educate yourself.

I notice you didn't actually address the core point of your automatic dismissiveness. How about put your big boy pants on and stop trying to meme your way out of this.

My brother in Furry Xenu, you're in a meme community advertising something awfully silly.

My mistake for thinking there could be meaningful discourse on the internet these days.

Come to my sub where I can shout at you properly.

Meaningful discourse? Like when you tell people they make you sick simply because they pointed out that Christianity can be (and mostly is) a negative influence on progressive causes? Good for you if you are a socially progressive Christian, but no need to hate on other people just because they have a different imaginary friend, or none at all.

Christianity can be (and mostly is) a negative influence on progressive causes?

that's only because your perspective of Christians is formed by conservative evagelicals acting badly on purpose to make the news.

I can argue for like 45 minutes why Christianity is literally the most progressive Abrahamic religion but none of you care because your assumption is already made and years of experience has proven you will not budge on it no matter what. So I don't bother to cure your ignorance.

but no need to hate on other people just because they have a different imaginary friend, or none at all.

You haven't read any of my posts in this thread then because I have repeatedly stated that his doesn't matter and just like every other edgelad you come with assumptions that no objective data will change.

I did read your comments which is how I know you have been very aggressive in this comment thread towards other users.

If you want to personally attack other users who don't share your views on religion, then please go do it somewhere else.

you should check out the community this clown is running


It is absolutely hilarious. The guy claims to have “intermittent explosive disorder” so he will randomly lash out “uncontrollably, as a mental disorder”.

Sure, thats a real illness. Except @Angry_Autist@lemmy.world has seemingly spent 14 hours seething and frothing at the mouth.

Is it intermittent? If so, why does it seem to only occur when posting?