"It's not that complicated": Pete Buttigieg on why a gay billionaire is backing JD Vance

return2ozma@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 249 points –
"It's not that complicated": Pete Buttigieg on why a gay billionaire is backing JD Vance

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Makes sense to me. While it's probably implied in Buttigieg's point, I'd like to add there's a level of contempt for the poor, and by poor I mean folks who are not wealthy.

Gay billionaire knows his people are the billionaires, not the gays.

Only the poors think about cultural conflict, the rich know we’ve got a class-based war a-raging, and the score’s not even close. The rich are the one’s stoking the cultural conflicts as a ruse to keep the onslaught on the poors out of sight.

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