Joe Biden ends re-election campaign to – 1583 points –
Joe Biden ends re-election campaign

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All of this should have been done a couple years ago for presidential hopefuls to gather resources and prepare for the elections. The assumption that Biden was seeking a second term stalled a lot of minor steps needed to build a campaign. Biden stepping down a month before the DNC is gonna be a shit show. Who's gonna run for becoming a candidate? How are they gonna fundraise quickly enough to get the word out? This is a clusterfuck of poorly timed decisions and I only hope the new candidate can gather enough support to win the presidential election. Given the Democratic party's penchant of favoring people from their inner circle, I doubt they'll be well received by the general public to begin with.

Non-issue. Kamala Harris is the heir apparent.

Who is a black woman. Which means that unfortunately she has a pretty steep uphill battle to win the presidency.

In fact I think it would drive more of the non voting republicans to the polls.

Honest question, are there that many non voting Republicans? They tend to be pretty rabid.

Honestly I don't know, but I assume just like with democrats there is a large poor population that normally cant make it to voting.

And with a black women running for president i just see the racists and sexists organizing more to help bring those voters in.

Obama won pretty hard though despite the racism, there were more people excited to see a black president than there were racists (although obviously there as a lot of vocal racism as well).

If Kamala tells a convincing story, I could see it working well.


You know who would've been a good candidate in my opinion?

Pete Buttigieg.