Joe Biden ends re-election campaign to – 1583 points –
Joe Biden ends re-election campaign

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She's a very bland candidate, but at least she's not 80 and fading.

Whether that's enough to get people up off their arses and into voting booths, I don't know.

You really need somebody that's going to invigorate the centre and left, the way Trump excites the right. Dyed in the wool Dems don't care who the candidate is, they'd have been happy with Biden's corpse. The issue is there's not a lot of time left for experimentation in finding one.

A female candidate can put Roe v Wade in the limelight the entire campaign, and that's a really easy winning message (based on all the special elections since it was overturned)

The Roe v. Wade issue is a strong strategy, and I look forward to her bringing it up continuously.

"I've got conviction, Trump's got convictions" seems like a good slogan.

There’s a shitload of time. We’ve been conditioned to think it takes 2 years to run a presidential campaign. Nonsense.

It's going to be so crazy now; it'll feel like years. Just wait and see.

I think the bigger issue is there just isn't a candidate to invigorate the centre and left, and that might result in a dictator and convicted felon becoming the next president and destroying the country (and other countries along with it).