Joe Biden ends re-election campaign to – 1583 points –
Joe Biden ends re-election campaign

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Oh boy, I can't wait for armchair pundits who were calling for Joe to step down to now turn around and start to nitpick Harris as if that wasn't going to be the obvious successor.

I'm 100% behind Harris or anyone who gets the Dem nom. Trump must be stopped.

This is still a battle for America's soul. Are we going to accept the first female president or the first convicted felon president? I sure hope the left turns out for this one, even if they aren't super stoked about it, because we might never recover from another Trump disaster.

I don’t prefer Harris, but am 100% fine with her. Any D 2024. Fuck the republican traitor filth.

I'm not super stoked about her, and I'll crawl across 5 states filled with broken glass to get back home and vote for her.

She's a very bland candidate, but at least she's not 80 and fading.

Whether that's enough to get people up off their arses and into voting booths, I don't know.

You really need somebody that's going to invigorate the centre and left, the way Trump excites the right. Dyed in the wool Dems don't care who the candidate is, they'd have been happy with Biden's corpse. The issue is there's not a lot of time left for experimentation in finding one.

A female candidate can put Roe v Wade in the limelight the entire campaign, and that's a really easy winning message (based on all the special elections since it was overturned)

The Roe v. Wade issue is a strong strategy, and I look forward to her bringing it up continuously.

"I've got conviction, Trump's got convictions" seems like a good slogan.

There’s a shitload of time. We’ve been conditioned to think it takes 2 years to run a presidential campaign. Nonsense.

It's going to be so crazy now; it'll feel like years. Just wait and see.

I think the bigger issue is there just isn't a candidate to invigorate the centre and left, and that might result in a dictator and convicted felon becoming the next president and destroying the country (and other countries along with it).

It's not just pundits, Nancy Pelosi wants Harris off the ticket. I already donated to her campaign and called my reps to let them know that's a bad idea.

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She's an improvement and is sufficient to beat Trump.

I'm not going to discourage party leadership when they're actually listening for once.

100% agree. I don't see any reason why she shouldn't have just as much of a chance to beat Trump as Biden did, when Biden was essentially coasting on the "not Trump" vote anyway. That's not to say he didn't have legitimate achievements during his term - he is doing a fantastic job as president, but he doesn't do a great job at communicating that when the people that need to hear it are watching. His political messaging/timing is terrible.

Hopefully bringing Kamala into the forefront of the race will give the party a jolt of energy since it seems like a majority of the average voters approve of Biden stepping down. I'm just happy that we can finally shift the conversation away from age and aptitude and focus on the issues that people are going to actually turn out for - the economy, Dobbs, and SCOTUS nominations/reform.

and this is exactly why Trumps exist

one party is actively tearing down society and the other is complacent and the voters eat it up

Name literally one thing democrats are complacent on and don't actively want to reform.

Support for genocide in Israel seems like the obvious one

minimum wage stuck $7.25

cannabis legalization stalled decades ago

women's rights

police reform

Democrats push for $17 minimum wage

DEA rescheduling marijuana

... Are you serious about the women's rights part? Republicans overturned Roe and they've lost every election with abortion rights on the ballot since.

You can look up the DeMoNcRaT cities that have started to send crisis response teams instead of cops for certain calls.

You came with the receipts and they shut up.

Thank you.

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