Checkmate, Atheists to Lemmy – 751 points –
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Now do Trump. What makes him drop out?

A better shot.

Daaaaamn. Fuckin gottem.

Well, actually not, i guess...

I think we all miss Trump.

But some of us are working on our aim.

For legal reasons, to my FBI agent: this is a joke. I don't even own a gun, man... You know this.

They actually don't know, unfortunately. The gun manufacturers and their lobbyists have made sure of that.

The humiliation of losing to a black woman.

The past months the mood in America has been: not these two old geezers again.

I am honestly optimistic that it's going to be a landslide for the Democrats without Biden. Americans are just sick of Trump and they didn't want Biden to run again.

So the Democrats are giving the people what they want, while the Republicans are trying to force feed them something they don't want.

Let's see how this plays out.

I'm still a little worried with how racist and sexist even Democrat voters tend to be. Hopefully the excitement of not having an 80 year old as the candidate outweighs subconscious bias.

Obama won by healthy margins in '08 and '12, and Hillary -- the least likeable candidate that's made it to the top of the Democratic ticket since Dukakis -- still won the popular vote. I think the people who would vote against a black woman for President were never going to vote for a Democrat in the first place, and given the general aura of relief and enthusiasm I've seen in left wing spaces since the announcement I think Harris is going to be riding a wave of support from the left, even if half of it is just from people who are glad they don't have to hold their noses to support a doddering octogenarian because the alternative is fascism.

My only concern is the demographic that would have been too lazy to vote but now will be frothing at the mouth to vote against a black woman.

I can only hope they're outweighed by the demographic that was apathetic toward Biden but is willing to get off the couch to vote for Harris.

I just don't think that's a very big demo. Anybody who's suddenly motivated to keep the White House white and estrogen-free is more than likely a foaming-at-the-mouth MAGAt, who was already motivated to put their guy back in office. There will of course be a few people who fit that description, and probably many more diet racists and sexists who will just stay home if their options are Trump or a "left-coast liberal woman," but I don't think they make up a significant-enough proportion of the voting public to outweigh that latter group you mention, who couldn't muster much enthusiasm for Biden but are amped-up to vote for somebody younger, healthier, and more dynamic.

the people who would vote against a black woman for President were never going to vote for a Democrat in the first place

You clearly don't understand the American voter. Ever canvased for a candidate?

People hold some truly ridiculous combinations of political views.

I can't even tell you how many people had both Bernie and Trump as their top two candidates in the 2016 and 2020 elections.

Are there a lot of people who individually hold chaotic, mutually-incompatible political opinions? Sure! I don't think you can boil their ultimate decision-making process down to a box-ticking exercise, where if a candidate represents sufficient number of demographics they hold bigoted views about they automatically vote for Default Old White Guy. For example --

I can’t even tell you how many people had both Bernie and Trump as their top two candidates in the 2016 and 2020 elections.

-- that's very clearly low-information voters dissatisfied with the status quo, who would happily glom onto anybody promising to sufficiently shake things up. Sure, Trump and Bernie had wildly-divergent platforms, but Joe Sixpack -- who probably doesn't feel like he has a dog in the fight on any of the particulars like abortion or finance law and assumes anybody sticking it to the broader political class is a net positive for him -- doesn't see much practical difference, and is so little affected by the bigotry of the right that none of it bothers him, so of course the two candidates presenting themselves as outsiders with a plan to shake up Washington are basically interchangeable.

These people couldn't accept a white mean beating their white man. I look forward to their civil, humble response to their now anointed god being beaten by a black woman.