Kamala Harris’ Monster Fundraising Day Bigger Than Trump’s Felony Charge Windfall

jeffw@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 660 points –
Kamala Harris Hits Trump Where It Hurts—by Raising More Money

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Willing to bet she'll obliterate him on the debate stage too.

Trump's handlers are too smart to let that happen. If it somehow does happen even with their protestations, it will be required watching for me. A 59-year-old mom against Donald Trump? I'll make popcorn.

This is what I'm most excited to see. Biden is a perfectly fine Democrat president but not a particularly great public speaker in terms of politicians. And the age certainly didn't help. I wouldn't be surprised if Trump decides he doesn't want to debate like he did back in 2020.

Harris isn't a great speaker either tbh, she's kinda wooden at times.

Certainty better than Joe at this point, but I got spoiled by Bill Clinton and Obama, they were genuinely worth watching.

As much as I'd love to see it, I'd bet Trump is too afraid of her to agree to one.

Everyone starts calling him Pussy Don. Then he will have no choice. Either be a pussy or man up.

Commenting so I can look this thread up later