Biden calls his decision to step aside from 2024 race a matter of defending democracy to politics – 549 points –
Biden calls his decision to step aside from 2024 race a matter of defending democracy | CNN Politics

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If you think Biden could've been forced out if he wasn't willing to step down then you don't know anything about politics.

I bet you were one of those people demanding the sergeant at arms arrest people who ignored subpoenas during Trump's first impeachment.

Do you understand how the president is picked? They need delegates to run.

Do you know how Democrat canidates are picked? Biden already had enough pledged delegates to win the nomination.

Not holding a primary before the Democratic National Conventionis one way to try to coup it, but they could still just put in someone else in.

They did hold a primary. You might have not liked how they ran it. I had my own issues with it as well, but they did and once those votes are in the pledged delegates have to honor the winner from it, which Biden was. Tell me how they could have just taken it away from him without him stepping down again?

Biden pretended he was going to be a 1 term president but now tried to hijack it for a dual term.

Biden could give an official order to have anyone speaking out against him shot. Doesn't mean he will. But he can. Same goes for the voting honor system. We're just expecting nobody to break the unwritten rules. but unwritten rules that will get broken when needed.

Like how the white house will straight up lie about a Genocide being committed in order to violate Leahy law.

Biden pretended he was going to be a 1 term president but now tried to hijack it for a dual term.

Do you have a source for this? I seem to recall that was one article citing an off the record source within the Biden campaign, not an official statement from Biden.

Should be easy for you to find Biden himself saying this, as you're so well informed and definitely not a ball sniffer with west wing delusions