The Obamas Endorse Harris: 'This Is Going to Be Historic' to – 821 points –
The Obamas Endorse Harris: 'This Is Going to Be Historic'

The former president and first lady threw their weight behind the presumptive Democratic nominee

Barack and Michelle Obama have endorsed Kamala Harris for the Democratic nomination for president, sharing the news in a joint phone call.

A video released by the campaign suggests the former president and first lady called Harris on Thursday while the vice president was in Houston, where she addressed the American Federation of Teachers and received a briefing on recovery efforts following Hurricane Beryl. 

“We called to say, Michelle and I couldn’t be prouder to endorse you and do everything we can to get you through this election and into the Oval Office,” Barack Obama is heard telling Harris in a 55-second video of the call. 

“This is going to be historic,” Michelle Obama tells Harris.


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You know who else couldn't handle a primary run (twice) before they were elected president? Joe Biden.

Yah. I don't know why anyone thought he was a good option either.

And yet he won despite you not knowing why.

Is winning the only hurdle? That's so depressing.

When it comes to stopping Project 2025? Yes, that is the only hurdle. Work on the rest after that.

That's not something we'll ever "stop". That's an ongoing eternal fight. And you don't win by only playing defense. You need to try to score also.

We will never stop a specific agenda that has been laid out in great detail in a plan Americans are souring to the more they hear about it?

The sounds like what some people told me about Biden in 2020. Why vote for him? He's the same as Trump.

Except he isn't. By most measures.

Who said that? Did I? I never said any of that. Read my previous comment again.

Your previous comment:

That’s not something we’ll ever “stop”. That’s an ongoing eternal fight.

My response:

We will never stop a specific agenda that has been laid out in great detail in a plan Americans are souring to the more they hear about it?

Then I told you a different claim that your comment sounded like.

So yes, you did say that it is not something that we will never stop.

Did the agenda get stopped? Project 2025 exists. So the right wing religous agenda is ongoing, is it not?

What a strange question. The agenda didn't get stopped because the election hasn't happened yet. Which is why they need to be beaten first so it can be stopped.

You do understand that it's called "Project 2025" because they want to implement it in 2025, right?

Project 2025 exists because electing Biden didnt stop anything. P25 is simply the latest label for the same agenda that's been going on since forever. That's what never ends.

The conservative religious right has waxed and waned for millennia. But it never stops.

You're missing the forest to the trees.

Okay, well then I guess we should give up. You're right, don't vote for Harris. She doesn't pass the purity test. Let Trump win.

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It is very depressing, yes. But a candidate that is 10/10 on every possible good measure that loses to Trump due to Democratic infighting, will be a worse outcome to someone that is mediocre in some respects but can win. It is the most important hurdle, and at the very least I can say the Democrats have some semblance of a strategy now that they didn't have before, and that's reason for hope.

I'd be happy for 5/10

I'd be happy

I'll believe it when I see it.

Yah. That's fair.

I'm not sure I've even been truly happy since I was a child who didn't know anything.

Not an attack - but it definitely shows.

I hope things get better for you.

Then vote for that candidate

They've been asked to name such a candidate and admitted they can't. And also that they didn't canvass for anyone. So basically they want an imaginary person to magically pop into our reality and be the nominee. But not Kamala Harris.

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