Pete Buttigieg says voters are ready for a gay vice president to politics – 335 points –
Pete Buttigieg says voters are ready for a gay vice president - LGBTQ Nation

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As someone who was unfortunate enough to have grown up in Indiana, I'd rather Buttigeg stay there and keep trying to drag that state into the 20th* century.

*Not a typo, that state is just that far behind.

He's not there though. He's in DC as Secretary of Transportation.

Doing a fuckall job of it, too. To hell with Pete, why settle for this guy for VP? Why is everyone so hung up on him?

In think it’s because he’s an excellent communicator and stays that way even going on Fox News and such. Like even if we don’t trust him deep down, the skills he has are conductive to winning the election which is basically all that matters.

I don’t know if that makes him the most winning choice, because bigots, but we’ll see what happens.

He may be an ok communicator but hes a bit of a dumbass. The guy who openly said he wanted to do a gun ban in fucken Texas probably isnt the wisest person on an electoral level.