'Can't believe my eyes': Florida 'hotbed of Trump support' erupts with Harris enthusiasm

NegativeNull@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 969 points –
'Can't believe my eyes': Florida 'hotbed of Trump support' erupts with Harris enthusiasm

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I am aware Joe Biden is complicit in Genocide and performed like a senile geriatric on CNN.

Tell me you don't live in America without telling me.

Who are you to call someone out on not living in America? lol

So you don't live in America.

I've never been disingenuous about where I live. MI my whole life except 5 years in VA. Those are states, in case you're not familiar with them.

How am I supposed to believe you if you dont post your social security number?

I mean, no one knows you're from America either.

How are they supposed to believe me if I don't post my social security number?

I understand it's hard to see a whole picture when onde side of a single issue occupies 100% of your brain capacity

Some people find it a little hard to ignore Genocide. Good to see the average Democrat has no issue with it and willingly admits it.

Some people find it a little hard to ignore Genocide murdering babies. Good to see the average Democrat has no issue with it and willingly admits it.

The same logic and reasoning as conservative single issue anti-choice voters, it's good that America is healing its divides.

Comparing the need to Genocide brown children to need for abortion is a new low. Blue MAGA in full force.

I wasn't comparing the two issues. I was comparing your single issue voter approaches, which are the same.

Do you not see the similarities in how you argue for your "one true cause" justifying being a single issue voter?

Also, do you have a reason to call me blue maga besides pointing out that being a single issue voter means you have like-minded brethren across the aisle, or is it just because I disagree with you?

Trying to not start WW3 does not seem like a single issue to me but to each his own.

The escalations that have been warned for 9 months are getting closer and closer and Biden is sleepwalking us into a nice big war.

Ah, so when confronted with evidence of being a single issue voter, you now claim that Israel/Palestine is not a single issue.

No, buddy, you've conveyed that you're fine with ignoring all of the administrations other actions and policies, choosing to zero in on this. That's being a single issue voter.

At least the conservatives are honest with themselves. Though I guess some can mentally delude themselves into thinking "I don't think preventing the genocide of the unborn is a single issue.". You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. I'm likely not not going to convince an account with 6000+ comments on the same issue to change your mind, and you clearly have much more free time than me, so I'm just going to stop here.

Have a good day!

Ah yes the "single issue" of foreign policy.

Is Project 2025 a single issue too?