Drag performance resembling Last Supper at Olympic opening ceremony rankles conservatives

return2ozma@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 428 points –
Drag performance resembling Last Supper at Olympic opening ceremony rankles conservatives

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I think you're referring to the rules surrounding the church in Corinth as to maintain dignity and order, but feel free to take anything out of context 🤣

"dignity and order"

So you're not as stupid as you seem, but you are as bigoted.

So, in order to maintain dignity and order, you believe women should be covered up and silent, or what?

It was about the church in Corinth - they wanted to stand out from the pagans

Right, and in the context of this conversation as a whole, this is beautiful according to you.

Considering that Christianity was revolutionary for women's rights, yes.

why? pride? control? doesn’t sound like they would stand out for their common sense, compassion, or spirituality.

Considering they considered women as property to have sex with and they should be uncovered to please men, yeah, it would have been for their compassion.

what is undignified about women talking? please be specific.

Ask the ancient Corinthian pagans