'Direct attack': Trump said to be prepping 'much bigger insurrection' after rally comments

kmartburrito@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 564 points –
'Direct attack': Trump said to be prepping 'much bigger insurrection' after rally comments

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I'm simply pointing out that facism is not at all a common endpoint one arrives at through accurate/natural/honest education. Unless you're born into the top echelons of wealth, hardly any political actions in current platforms are of true benefit to you.

I’m simply pointing out that facism is not at all a common endpoint

i mean, i feel like you could argue it's a common outcome for people that don't respect the system (i.e. trump)

Education may have a part in it, but people believed uri geller could break spoons...

Trump respected the system and thats why his "smol loan" got him places. That is the system. It was created by and for the very fuckery that he is known for.

i'm talking in a more directed political context, those who do not respect the decorum of the political institution are doomed to succumb to the fate of fascism inevitably.

The entire purpose of the decorum is for the system to function properly.

Decorum that asks for people to "respect" and follow is a built-in loophole.

Hard, robust, and readily reassessed punitive rules are the only solution.

yeah you can argue that, until a tank rolls up to the capitol, and that starts to become a seriously effective bargaining deal right there.

There is literally nothing more potent than using force. Decorum is what prevents everything from being some form of fascism at the end of the day. It needs to be upheld, either through law, or social behavior.

Thats literally what I said,except im not calling it decorum as thats a nonobligatory word for what should be forcibly compelled by law for all. And that law should be easily reaxamined and reformed so as to remain robust with time.

fair enough, but unfortunately, it does seem to be mostly just decorum, rather than law, considering that the immunity law passed, somehow.

It's important to remember that if someone doesn't respect the system, there is very little between them and changing it, regardless of what the system is setup to do.