Trump Demands Changes for Next Debate, Prompting Claims He’s “Afraid” to Debate Kamala Harris to politics – 745 points –
Trump Demands Changes for Next Debate, Prompting Claims He’s “Afraid” to Debate Kamala Harris

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Examples of direct lies or completely misleading things off the top of my head; russian bounties, pee tapes, wouldnt go to and the memorial because he would get wet, putting bleach in your body for covid, russian collusion, trump says he wants to be a dictator, and more! Another big one - bidens whole campaign started on the "very fine people" hoax.

Which would you like me to engage on in particular?

Yeah, I've seen the video of him claiming a sort of bleach will cure covid. So, let's hear all about how I should refute the evidence of my eyes and ears or else I'm in a cult.

Explain that to me as if I was 5.

Please show me the video where he claims it would cure covid. The video I have seen is him asking question and if they are going to look into things, what is wrong with asking questions?

Yeah, that thin sliver of plausible deniability isn't going to work on anyone outside the trump cult.

I have seen a single video of the bleach thing (where he also talked about putting light in the body), and it was not a recommendation he was asking if they would look into it. If you have a video of him saying people should do it, I would be interested in seeing it, if not then you are just repeating a lie.

Look into it, with a view to it doing what exactly? "Getting it right in there" to what end exaxtly?

I love how you think you can make the world dismiss the evidence of their eyes and ears. Your tiny sliver of plausible deniability isn't going to cut it.

I watched the only video I am aware of, did you have a different video? If you dont then you are just repeating propaganda and then trying to gaslight me into agreeing with you.

Nope, the same one that everyone else saw and heard with their eyes and ears.

Honestly, no, I don't care if you agree with me. I know you're well too far into the big lie to ever be de-programmed. I'm telling you so that at least someone in your life has told you.

Please quote from the video the part where he said to use bleach.

"No, he genuinely asked what if we injected disinfectant inside people. Maybe we should do something like that? So he's actually really stupid and not a liar at all."

I mean, its not the angle I'd go for myself but okay

I’ve seen the video of him claiming a sort of bleach will cure covid.

he genuinely asked what if we injected disinfectant inside people.

Okay so then he did ask a question not made a prescription. Are you able to admit you were wrong about him claiming that bleach injections were a cure?

He said they were looking into infecting disinfectant into people. If that's a win to you then feel free to take it.

But even then, it seems you're right, hes a drooling moron who shouldn't be trusted not to drink disinfectant and not a liar. Well done him.

We need to backtrack here so you understand the WHOLE FUCKING POINT, its not what trump said its that they lied/mislead about EVERYTHING trump has to say. Do you understand that you believed that trump recommended putting bleach in people because the corporate media lied about it so much that it turned into a reality in your head? If you dont understand that then you are exactly the person that the media is lying so that they can control you.

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