Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh killed in Iran, sparking fears of wider war

Cuttlefish1111@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 113 points –
Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh killed in Iran, sparking fears of wider war

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So you’re suggesting Hamas is in on it?

I'm suggesting that the reason Hamas has any measure of control or authority is because Israel refuses to let Gaza vote them out, so they can say Hamas is a valid reason to persecute everyone in Gaza.

But Israel smuggling money for Hamas, and preventing an election so Hamas could be kicked out of power are facts

What's your suggestion for why Israel would do those two things?

Why do they try so hard to keep Hamas in power?

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There are too many connections as to believe that this is just passive support. Hamas knows it gets support from Israel and both sites benefit from it. Hamas itself is a deeply corrupt and downright evil organization, which is hated in Gaza for torture, rape and destroying public services. They need the big enemy Israel to justify them being in charge.

Israel or better Netanyahu and his fellow fascists need Hamas to stop peace talks with the Palastinians. If there is a genuine peace in the region, he would almost certainly loose elections. Kind of a similar situation to Hamas really.

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