It's official: Smartphones will need to have replaceable batteries by 2027 to – 1350 points –
It's official: Smartphones will need to have replaceable batteries by 2027


  • The European Council has ended its adoption procedure for rules related to phones with replaceable batteries.
  • By 2027, all phones released in the EU must have a battery the user can easily replace with no tools or expertise.
  • The regulation intends to introduce a circular economy for batteries.

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They should do the same for laptops

I think laptops are also covered.

Indeed in the article it says all battery powered devices... Does that also mean somehow headphones(wireless) earbuds, watches, etc

They have standard lithium ion sizes that are tiny; there's no reason why they couldn't add threading to earbuds so that you could unscrew them.

i really hope the framework already qualifies, would suck to lose that upgrade path

And electric cars. I wish you could swap a battery out at a gas station as easily as I can swap out a propane tank.