Paycheck rule to – 722 points –

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Looking at their profile it looks like every comment they have ever made has been removed.

It's honestly kind of impressive, I don't know what they said but it seems like everyone hates it lol

They're a troll who posts a bunch of pseudointellectual/pseudophilosophical comments saying stupid shit mentioning quantum physics or lambda calculus or euclidean geometry or other fancy looking math words

Maybe it is just my client, but i see removed comments by using " view raw". By the way the comment was: "The Orbs are, including possibly cryptographic energy systems like Monero (XMR)."

There's readable comments scattered throughout, but it was mostly word salad that seems to have a penchant for mentioning birds of specific colors.

Must be a federated thing because from this account all I see is a sea of "Removed" but on some of my alts I see the word salad