Remote Work to Wipe Out $800 Billion From Office Values, McKinsey Says

DL :) to – 1112 points –
Remote Work to Wipe Out $800 Billion From Office Values, McKinsey Says

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Come on you rich idiots, convert those offices into something useful and they'll be valuable again.

Like housing. So people can afford places to live again!

But that would bring down the value of all the residential property these same people own.

Converting offices to residential is expensive and can take longer than just building new residential. I'm not against converting offices to a better use, I saw an article yesterday about turning offices into vertical gardens for example, but office to housing isn't a financially viable option, especially if you're trying to make affordable housing.

That would require effort and work. People this rich don't do that. They may lift a finger to ring a bell to have a prole come and take instructions on how to deal with the situation.

They themselves have money to count and caviar to eat out of their mistresses anus.

Don't expect the rich idiots to spend a dime doing that.

You know what they're likely to do, tho? Convince the govt to PAY THEM for some bullshit reason. That's how a portion of them get rich.