Simple, really to Lefty – 945 points –

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Nice idea but it's very telling that there is no mention at all of how to make this come about. The more I learn about Marx, the more he seems like Jacque Fresco and his Venus Project, just a "wouldn't it be nice if" pie-in-the-sky idea.

Revolution, which is an inevitability as Capitalism and by extension Imperialism continues to decay and disparity continues to rise. Marxists advocate for building dual-power so that when this revolution does occur, the former state can be replaced with democratic councils and unions that already exist.

which is an inevitability

What makes you say that?

Competition and improvements in production result in increasingly lowered rates of profit, which are countered by higher exploitation. Wages have largely stagnated with respect to productivity while disparity rises.

I don't follow.

You might want to read Wage Labor and Capital then.

I don't want to read that.

Then what, specifically, are you having trouble with understanding?

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The more I learn about Marx, the more he seems like Jacque Fresco and his Venus Project, just a "wouldn't it be nice if" pie-in-the-sky idea.

Sorry, your argument is outdated by around 200 years. Engels already did an essay on the difference between scientific socialism and utopian socialism, because it was a common critique back then. It's called, well, "Socialism: scientific and utopian", and explains how Marxism isn't a utopian pipedream but rather a systematic way of analysing the economy and the social relations and historical events, reacting to them, and fighting for the rights of the workers above all else. Among other things, it allowed the Russian Revolution to triumph, and it allowed the Soviets to predict the second world war 10 years before it happened (which allowed the USSR to place most of its heavy industry east of the Urals, and in turn saved the country from losing against the Nazi invasion).

your argument

I haven't made an argument, I made a personal observation.

Engels already did an essay on the difference between ...

I don't understand any of this.

My point is that there were already conservatives 200 years ago claiming that socialism was utopian, and people like Marx and Engels proved them wrong. Lenin and Fidel, and all the workers who followed and guided them, adhering to Marxism-Leninism, successfully organized revolutions that abolished capitalism and Tsarism and turned their countries into socialist ones.

So your comment that it seems "utopian" has already been answered by Engels 150+ years ago, and confirmed wrong by Lenin and Fidel.

claiming that socialism was utopian

I didn't claim that socialism was utopian, I pointed out that there is seemingly no proposal for how to make socialism come about, much like The Venus Project.

So your comment that it seems "utopian"

I haven't used the word utopian. You're putting words in my mouth. You're so blinded by your expectations about what you think people are going to say about socialism that you literally can't read what people are writing. Sort your shit out please.

"wouldn't it be nice if" pie in the sky idea

How's that not basically the definition of utopia?

that there is seemingly no proposal for how to make socialism come about

There pretty much is: create a vanguard party of Marxist intellectuals, create unions and give services to citizens in order to organise them, help them in their lives and their struggle, and educate them into class-consciousness. This makes a grassroots dual-power structure that makes workers class-conscious and politically involved as well as provides them with safety networks that they themselves maintain. When the material conditions for the revolution eventually come, the vanguard party and the grassroots organizations coalesce and take power from the bourgeoisie

How's that not basically the definition of utopia?

LOL it's not because that's how concepts work.

the revolution

What revolution?

the vanguard party and the grassroots organizations coalesce and take power from the bourgeoisie

What's the Marxist plan for preventing the people who take power from becoming the new exploiters? How do Marxists propose to overcome the fact that power corrupts?

LOL it's not because that's how concepts work.

You can tell that to yourself, it's the core of what you meant, regardless of whether you want to use the specific word "utopia" or just talk about "ideal societies that won't take place". I'm not here to argue semantics.

What revolution?

Whichever comes. Revolutions take place periodically in different countries. French revolution, October revolution, revolutionary struggles against colonialism... All of those were revolutions, i.e. events in history with rapid radical changes in the form of governance and organisation of a system, possibly with a change in the classes of society.

What's the Marxist plan for preventing the people who take power from becoming the new exploiters? How do Marxists propose to overcome the fact that power corrupts?

The solution is being as democratic as possible. Establishing grassroots, dual power structures early and way before the revolutions. Strong unions, neighborhood associations, social rights movements like current feminist organizations... All of those linked and in collaboration with each other and with a vanguard party of Marxist intellectuals who guide these collectives and vice-versa.

it's the core of what you meant

"ideal societies that won't take place"

That's not what I meant though. You can't even listen when someone tells you you're not listening.

being as democratic as possible

LOL so no solution in fact, just hope that things might turn out better. Selling a better future. Like a religion. It all makes sense now. Best of luck.

!LOL so no solution in fact

Not if you choose to ignore everything else I said after that. But that's just you wanting to argue in bad faith

Nothing you said after that prevents corruption. You haven't offered a solution, you've just offered a hope.

That's just, like, your opinion, dude. Anarcho-syndicalism doesn't logically eliminate corruption either, no system does

no system does

Exactly. Socialism brings no solution to the table. To think, all this time Marx was just faffing about the difference between being stabbed with a six inch knife and a twelve inch knife. What a palaver.

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