Jimmy Carter Says He’s Hanging On to Vote for Kamala Harris

DxK@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 1244 points –
Jimmy Carter Says He’s Hanging On to Vote for Kamala Harris

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I really want to hear a conversation between you two as I can only imagine what it sounds like.

Imagine Rust Cohle from True Detective and Rylan Givens from Justified and you’d probably be close

I know both of those, surprisingly; I'll check videos to remind me.

What advantages are there when in other places, people trust you more?

It’s not so much trust although that can come into play, it’s more everyone underestimates you because they think you sound foolish.

Edit: also people just straight up want to hear you talk, which does create a level of authority

Your edit really tells the story. It's amazing how many people just want to hear the accent.

That might be more accurate than anyone realizes considering I know Mrs. Kay.