The Right-Wing Campaign to Purge Women From Women’s Sports

Arthur to World – 468 points –
The Right-Wing Campaign to Purge Women From Women’s Sports

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Why not, if they're the best athletes in their country?

Also, it is far more complicated than you have any idea about. This person can explain it better than me:

Fair enough. But why not handle these exceptions in the rules then? If they don't confer a major competitive advantage then let them compete as the sex they feel like.

But I don't think we can draw this out to a full blown man who identifies as a woman so gets to compete against women. As usual, there is a sensible middle ground, and you have to get into the weeds a bit to sort it out.

Its like people who say only "pure capitalism" or "pure communism" is the best system, when in fact they are both garbage options, and the best is actually capitalism constrained by socialist policies like in Scandinavia. Yes, it's messy and complicated and hard to figure out, but that's pretty much always the case for coming to the best result.

The extremes on either side are almost always wrong.

What is a "full blown man" in your definition based on what I pasted above?

Also, who gets to decide that and what is the test?

Anyone who fails the tests for the other cases you list. The governing body of the sport gets to decide, and tests are decided by scientists and doctors.

The governing sport body in this case being the IOC. Who did decide. You just don't seem to care for their decision.

So make up your mind.

When did I say I didn't like their decision? I said I wanted more information.

Why? They decided she qualified. That should be enough.

For the same reason anyone wants to know anything. Because if anyone is to have an informed conversation about this, we need to know how they come to their conclusions. Their lack of transparency is a large part of why this controversy exists in the first place.

It's none of your business what's between their legs or in their chromosomes. This wouldn't even be a question for anyone who wasn't an athlete.

Yes because outside of athletics it doesn't really matter.

Which do you think would be more likely to discourage girls and women from participating in competitive sports, the chance that they might have to compete against a "real" woman or the requirement that they let everyone else know about their private medical records?

I don't think any of this matters until you get to college level or olympic level sports, at which point I highly doubt it would dissuade any would be competitor. But I do think if it got bad enough it could dissuade women. For example, if you just let men compete openly and without scrutiny in any women's athletics competition, which seems to be what some people are advocating for here.

I don’t think any of this matters until you get to college level or olympic level sports

The youngest Olympian this year was 12. The youngest Olympian ever was 11.

at which point I highly doubt it would dissuade any would be competitor.

Why? Why would any woman want to not only prove their biological sex, but allow that private medical information to be public?

For example, if you just let men compete openly and without scrutiny in any women’s athletics competition

How about letting women compete openly and without scrutiny in any men's athletics competition? Shouldn't men be tested too?

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